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The Jesuits

The Society of Jesus is a Roman Catholic order of priests and brothers founded by the soldier-turned-mystic Ignatius Loyola. They are mostly known as “the Jesuits.” The vision of St. Ignatius Loyola was to “find God in all things.” Jesuits dedicate themselves to the “greater glory of God” and the good of all humanity. They do this in collaboration with others who share their values - laity, and religious, who become part of the extended Jesuit family.

The Jesuit  Conference of South Asia (JCSA)

s one of six Jesuit Conferences Worldwide.
The conferences have taken a strong stance towards creating a consistent culture of care and protection of minors and vulnerable adults

Fr. Konrad Noronha SJ, Ph.D. (USA), MS (USA), MTh (Delhi), BHMS (Pune), 
Director, Center for Safeguarding and Human Formation (CSHF), Pune

Fr Rex Reuben SJ, MSc Couns Psy, Assistant Director

Fr. Ravi Sagar SJ, LLB, DLL & LW, PGDHR, Advocate, Supreme Court, India

Fr. Dinesh Braganza SJ, Ph.D. (USA), HoD, Social Sciences, Jnana Deepa, Pune

Fr. William D'Britto SJ, Ph.D. (Belgian), Faculty, Pastoral and Moral Theology, Jnana Deepa, Pune

Sr. Patricia D'Souza RSCJ, PhD Scholar, HoD Psychology Sophia  College (Autonomous), Mumbai

Ms. Hvovi Bhagwagar, MA, Ph.D. , Private Practice, Mumbai

Ms. Lavanya Mohan, MSc (Oxford), Faculty, Sophia College (Autonomous), Mumbai

Ms. Sophia Peermohideen (MA Cl Psych), Private Practice, Mumbai


  • Sophia Centre for Women's Studies and Development, Sophia College (Autonomous) Campus, Mumbai

  • Institute of Anthropology Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Dignity and Care (IADC), Rome

  • St. Josephs University, Bengaluru

Global Safeguarding Alliance (GSA)


The Center for Safeguarding at De Nobili has a collaboration with the Global Safeguarding Alliance (GSA). The GSA is a voluntary association of academic, teaching, and research institutions, as well as practice-oriented professional schools and individual experts.


The GSA aims
- to promote knowledge and worldwide exchange on safeguarding and the prevention of
abuse of children, adolescents, and other vulnerable persons,
- to create a network of individual initiatives around the globe in an efficient and solution-oriented way in order to increase the effectiveness of each of them by mutual learning,
- to serve as a visible sign of the Catholic Church's commitment to a safer Church and world.


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