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An Overview of Developmental Psychology (free online classes)

Course Narration:

“We are all born to die—the difference is the intensity with which we choose to live” (Gina Lollobrigida, Italian actress and politician). Human development could be summarised from womb to tomb. As a human develops in the womb of a mother, the same human also develops in the womb of society in multifaceted dimensions. Therefore, human development is a process with one’s freewill and choices. The study on DP would throw light on the theories of developmental psychology. It would help the participants prepare their own checklists to find out the whereabouts of their ‘being’. It would also help them integrate the gained knowledge and the aimed future. Finally, it would help them move from being a child to becoming an adult to own up responsibilities and to make proper decisions to be happy.


· To know comprehensive account of human development across the life span

· To integrate by searching within one’s ‘being’ at present in view of gained knowledge

· To motivate oneself by setting up goals towards ‘becoming’



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